Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Where Can I Find a Chemistry Final Cheat Sheet?

Where Can I Find a Chemistry Final Cheat Sheet?Do you know where to find a chemistry final cheat sheet? It can be hard to even find one in a college bookstore. The average college student will have hundreds of notes in their head and will have no idea where to start. Although a book with all the notes is the most convenient option, there are other options as well.College students usually turn to a college textbook. The problem with these materials is that they tend to be pretty dry and boring. It may be very difficult to understand something you find in a text or how to actually use it to solve a problem. Some students will even buy a second-hand book in order to get a little extra help.When searching for a chemistry final cheat sheet, it is best to shop online. You can compare prices, compare pricing, and get more information. You should also be able to choose from some pretty large selection of materials.Although it is not completely necessary to search around, you should keep in m ind that it is a good idea to compare prices at different price points. You will see that some materials will cost quite a bit less than others. Many times these materials will be cheaper than the actual college book, and this is the perfect way to cut costs.Another advantage of shopping online is that you will find many online resources to help you in your search. These online resources usually include forums, blogs, and other types of discussion boards. You can read up on the material that you are interested in, ask other people what they think, and see what other people think about the material.Since you have the choice to make your own thoughts in reference to the material, it is good to be able to take everything into consideration. In this way, you will not be swayed by what other people think. If you are not sure about something or don't think you can see it clearly, you can always contact someone in the forum or ask someone else in the forum if they can explain it to you.Onc e you find a chemistry final cheat sheet, take advantage of the resources that you find online. They are there for your benefit, so you should take advantage of them. Take your time to research all the options and make a good decision.

Friday, March 6, 2020

English Vocabulary Neologisms, or new words

English Vocabulary Neologisms, or new words Spoken English is constantly evolving. New words (also called neologisms) and expressions are constantly coined (developed) reflecting changes in society and the cultural needs and experiences of the people who speak it.Here are ten words in the English language that have emerged over the past ten years:JargonautSomeone who uses a lot of jargon, or vocabulary that is specific to a particular trade or job.MehThis is the response when something leaves you unimpressed or disinterested.Citizen JournalistThese are people, not trained as journalists, who write and upload news information on the web via their blogs.RecessionistaThis is a person who dresses stylishly while on a budget enforced by the economic recession.Unitasker This is someone who (or something that) can only do one task at a time. It is the opposite of multitasker.TweetingThis is what you are doing when you are posting a comment on the social networking site Twitter. NetiquetteThis is the code of behavior for activity on t he internet. It is a blend of network and etiquette.Flash MobThis is a crowd of people (or mob) that is convened to meet at a set time and place via internet. They are told to perform a certain activity when they get there and then disperse quickly afterwards.NonlinerThis refers to a person who does not use the internet.OversharingThis refers to the act of sharing too much information online such as credit card details, passwords etc.Here is a video showing a flash mob at work. Lets watch it and answer some questions based on it afterwards (warning, YouTube has put a LONG advertisement before the video):How would you describe what the flash mob is doing?How do you see the people around the flash mob reacting?Have you ever taken part in a flash mob event?   If not, would you consider it?Did you find this blog interesting? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Look Down On - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Look Down On - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Look Down OnInfinitive form: Look Down OnPresent Tense: Look Down On/ Looks Down Oning form: Looking Down OnPast tense: Looked Down OnParticiple: Looked Down OnLook Down On is an inseparable English phrasal verb. It is also a  three word phrasal verb.  It can be  used in two different ways:When you consider someone or something as unimportant or with little to no value1. The new manager looks down on the other employees and treats them like servants.2. Some people have a habit of looking down on anyone that is different from them.Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Look Down On.1. ______ ____ __ people will never make you happy.2. You shouldnt be _____ ____ __ people because of their work. Everyone deserves to be respected, regardless of what they do.3.4. The neighbor that Sharon ____ ____ __ helped her when she was locked out of her house. Since then, Sharon learned her lesson and vows to never ____ ____ __ anyone again.5.  Nobo dy likes being _____ ____ __.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 March 24, 1882) was a prominent U.S. poet and educator. Longfellow was a professor of modern languages at Bowdoin. Afterwards he took up the professorship at Harvard College. However, in 1854 he  retired from teaching in order to devote full time to his writing.  Longfellow  was one of the five Fireside Poets and  the  first American to translate  The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. His best known  poetry  works  include  Evangeline,  Paul Reveres Ride,  The Song of Hiawatha,  The Village Blacksmith,  The Wreck of the Hesperus.

Everything you need to know about applying (and getting hired) for the EPIK program

Everything you need to know about applying (and getting hired) for the EPIK program Sangsangnim! Also known as “teacher” in Korean. This is a term that you will become very familiar with after you land, settle in and indulge in the incredibly rich culture as an EPIK program participant living and teaching English in South Korea. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. You want to find out more about the EPIK program and how to become an English teacher in South Korea and we’re here to tell you everything you need to know. So let’s dive right in! EPIK is your gateway into South Korea’s vast public school system. It is by far the largest employer for teachers in South Korea, but what’s the difference between the public and private school systems there? Public vs. private schools in South Korea. Private academies, also known as Hagwons, are more likely to function as a business than a school. Teachers will often get paid more here, and work with more foreign teachers as they will often be completely English-focused schools. Students will go to a Hagwon for kindergarten or arrive there after school for English-intensive classes. I personally taught at a Hagwon and was lucky enough to end up in a great neighborhood in Seoul, which is right where I wanted to be. The trickier part about my experience working at a Hagwon, however, wasn’t only the longer working hours than my friends teaching at a public school (about double the teaching time). It was the number of students being pulled out of, or put into classrooms in the middle of a term. Because Hagwons are businesses, you’re often being told what to do by the parents (business patrons), and usually, have to do what they say! Public schools, in contrast, function through three government-run programs: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE) recruit for more than 2,000 schools within Seoul, the country’s capital. Gyeonggi English Program in Korea (GEPIK) recruit for all public schools in the province surrounding Seoul. English Program in Korea (EPIK) are affiliated with the Korean Ministry of Education and recruit for public schools everywhere else in South Korea. These are, by far, the best programs to teach English in South Korea. You will sometimes be earning a little less, but the programs look after their teachers very well, and you will have more free time to learn Korean, see some sights, or whatever you want to do with half the teaching hours than at a Hagwon! All. About. EPIK. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. EPIK is an incredibly secure program with a great orientation into the country. You can still end up in one of South Korea’s big cities, or in a more rural village, but the program has a lottery system and you ultimately may not end up where you choose. You may also be the only English teacher at your school. But don’t despair! Public schools are a great place to work, and the workload tends to be much lighter than at a Hagwon Sweet! So who’s qualified to teach with EPIK? Any native English speakers with a bachelor’s degree and citizenship from the following countries: Australia Canada Ireland New Zealand South Africa The UK The US You will need a college degree to anywhere in Korea, and the EPIK program is no exception. However, this degree does not have to be in teaching or other related specializations. EPIK requires no prior teaching experience and no degree in teaching whatsoever, which means it’s a great place to start if you’re interested in heading off to teachers college eventually, or just getting a year of teaching experience in to then go teach in other places in the world! Candidates who meet EPIK’s program requirements will also have to have no criminal record, pass a health check and go through all of the steps in getting an E2 work visa. If you’re looking to maximize your chances of getting accepted into EPIK, You will also have a much better shot at a successful EPIK program application with a TEFL. Is a TEFL certificate required to teach with EPIK? Yes. For jobs at most South Korean public schools, you will need to have a TEFL certificate that’s at least 100 hours in length. Wondering which type of TEFL course you need for EPIK? EPIK accepts online TEFL certifications as well as onsite courses. Aside from it being a set requirement, taking a TEFL course will help prepare you for things like managing your classroom and planning lessons once you’re accepted into EPIK. That way, you’ll know what to do when kids start climbing on tables, or an overworked student falls asleep on your watch. The scoop on your EPIK (get it?!) salary and benefits. Wondering how much money you can make teaching English in Korea with EPIK? We’ll get straight to the point. Here’s the great contract deal you’ll get with EPIK: EPIK pay scale ranging from $1,700 - 2,500 USD (or 1.8 - 2.7 million KRW) per month Settling-in allowance of around $300 USD (around 300,000 KRW) $1,250 USD (paid in KRW) towards your flight Furnished housing Health insurance Pension contribution 18 vacation days, 14 national holidays and 11 sick days If you end up teaching somewhere rural, you may also qualify for an extra $100 USD (100,000 KRW) each month. EPIK teachers might also be assigned to multiple schools at a bonus of $100 USD (100,000 KRW) each month for two schools or $150 USD (150,000 KRW) for three or more schools. The cost of living in South Korea is incredibly low. With some light budgeting, you can well afford to have a great night out, with plenty to eat and drink and only end up spending 20,000 KRW (about $20 USD), depending on where you end up. Beer costs around 2,000 KRW ($2 USD), and you can find cheap meals for as little as 3,000 KRW ($3 USD) as well. Traditional Korean BBQ will cost a little more, but nothing compared to what you’ll pay at home! With great shopping and incredible nature, you’ll be well clothed and able to find plenty of things to do at a very low cost! Plus, if you decide to stay another year, your ranking will go up with the EPIK program, which means that you will also qualify for a higher rate of pay. Sidenote: Wondering how your salary with the EPIK program compares with other English teaching jobs around the world? Not sure whether you’d like to teach English abroad just yet? Check out our handy teach abroad salary calculator to find out! What’s teaching with EPIK really like? At your school, you will be expected to work a full 40 hour week, even when you don’t have classes to teach. You will have around 3 to 5 classes a day, leaving you with plenty of downtimes to socialize, learn Korean, or whatever you find to fill the time. You’ll get to know both your fellow teachers and students very well, which means lots and lots of snacks and treats at most hours of the day, in my own personal experience. Where will I be teaching? The short answer is, it depends. EPIK places teachers all over South Korea, except Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. And although you can rank your top 5 choices on your application, you won’t actually get to choose where you end up. Do I have to apply to teach with EPIK through a recruiter? Not necessarily. You can either apply directly through the EPIK website or get the help of a recruiter specifically working with EPIK. Recruiters add a little extra something with their knowledge of the school system, work visa process and ensuring your contract is kosher. I personally went through a great recruiter who even visited the school I was working at during the year to check in. Before I made my choice on private vs. public school teaching in South Korea, he walked me through all options and scenarios very thoroughly. They also sometimes provide assistance after arrival and are good contacts to have after you arrive in a foreign country. Make sure to choose a reputable recruiter to avoid any potential opportunities to get scammed. What’s it like to teach in a Korean classroom? Korean children are passionate, focused, fun, and very, very smart. They often attend school during the day, followed by a variety of academies from math, to music, to English - sometimes several in one evening- before heading home to work with a tutor and finish their homework. As you can probably tell, they are pushed very hard from a young age, which is why it’s important, as a teacher, to inject some fun into their day along with the learning! They will have a lot of questions for you as a foreigner, anything from the color of your arm hair to whether your family is back home missing you. Some will speak near-perfect English, while others will know little to none, and it’s your job to keep them focused, learning, while always keeping in mind- hey, they’re kids! Again, your TEFL course will help you learn tips, tricks, and gain confidence in how to reach these children in a positive way. Recommended reading: 5 steps to becoming a culturally responsive teacher 10 tips for teaching in ESL classrooms OK, you’ve sold me! Walk me through the application process for EPIK. Apply online on the EPIK website, or use a credible recruiter to make the process a little more stress-free. EPIK intake is in August and February and EPIK teachers are placed on a rolling basis, which means the earlier you start, the better! In brief, the EPIK application timeline runs a little something like this: Download the initial application form Collect the following documents: A copy of your passport An apostilled bachelor’s diploma stamped at your local Korean Embassy Sealed transcripts Two recommendation letters A professional photo An apostilled police check (again stamped at your local Korean Embassy) Create a sample lesson plan (there are some great examples online) Submit your application and documents Complete a Skype interview with EPIK Apply for your E2 Visa What happens when I arrive in South Korea? As soon as you land, you’ll get to start your EPIK teacher’s orientation on living and teaching in Korea. You’ll not only make a ton of friends during this time, but you will learn what your job will encompass in the South Korean public school system before heading to your final destination. This is mandatory (and unpaid) for all EPIK teachers, but food and accommodation are provided. Enjoy this time and make the most of it. You might meet some best friends for life! Want more insight into what life is really like teaching English in Korea? Check out these posts: 5 things to know before teaching in Korea Things I wish I knew before I moved to South Korea to teach English Settling into life as an EPIK teacher in Korea. Here are some things you can do to ease into life in South Korea and make it feel more like home: Study some simple written Korean. Trust me, it will help you understand signs and order food. Learn a few useful Korean conversational phrases. Some Koreans do speak at least basic English, but it’s a fun language to learn anyway! Set up a bank account. This will help you start earning, saving (and spending). Oh, and get a phone plan, stat. (Bonus: these tend to be much cheaper than home!) My own personal plan was 20,000 KRW per month ($20 USD), for 1GB of data, which I almost never used up thanks to free WiFi being readily available in most public spaces. Try new food. Don’t shy away from what’s different. There is so much to Korean cuisine, and it all tastes amazing. And don’t forget to embrace everything this wonderful country has to offer. Travel on weekends. The train system is great and will take you anywhere you want to go to in the country, coast to coast! Further reading: Staying connected with loved ones back home when teaching overseas How to avoid cold feet: The teach abroad edition Most of all, teaching in Korea with the EPIK program is an experience where you’ll never stop learning, experiencing and sharing new things! It’s really something you’ll never forget, and you’ll leave with friends, memories and knowledge of a culture that’s like no other. Now that you’re done learning all about the ins and out of EPIK, check out our ESL job board for the latest and greatest teaching in Korea programs for TEFL-certified teachers!

Westhill Institute

Westhill Institute Westhill Institute Our mission Westhill Institute inspires students to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners by developing ethical values and by transferring their knowledge in an inclusive learning environment to responsibly impact their community. Vision Our vision is to inspire students to be contributing leaders in a rapidly changing, globalized world by developing intercultural understanding. Internationally Minded Westhill students develop intercultural understanding through a transdisciplinary concept-based curriculum. As an IB World School, students broaden their intercultural understanding and respect through the Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP), and Diploma Program (DP). Developing Lifelong Learners Westhill inspires students to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners who responsibly impact their community. Through a broad and balanced curriculum students learn how to learn by developing transferable skills, attitudes, knowledge and concepts. Inclusive Learning Environment Westhill caters for students from all academic levels, cultural backgrounds, and educational needs. Teaching and learning are differentiated for individual learners needs.

Understanding the Concept of Instantaneous Rate Chemistry

Understanding the Concept of Instantaneous Rate ChemistryInstantaneous rate chemistry is defined as the rate at which chemical reactions occur. These are typically faster in nature compared to reaction rates that take time to be initiated and complete such as dry cell chemical reactions.You may have heard of the term 'instantaneous rate chemistry' or perhaps you are familiar with the term but are not fully aware of what it is. Basically, it is the rate at which the rate is converted from one chemistry process to another. In other words, the rate at which chemical reactions happen as opposed to the amount of time it takes for them to occur.When it comes to chemical reaction, instantaneous rate chemistry refers to the fastest reaction that occurs. Typically, when a chemical is being manufactured, the materials that go into the process must undergo a series of chemical reactions in order to properly form the material. These chemical reactions may be categorized into two types - physical and organic. Chemical reactions that occur in a process within the earth's crust have instantaneous rate chemistry, whereas chemical reactions that occur in the atmosphere or in outer space are usually not instantaneous.There are many reasons why chemical reactions take a long time to occur. However, you can obtain much faster chemical reactions by using the latest technology to speed up the process. This includes adding chemicals to the material that you will use in a chemical reaction or by heating the material to very high temperatures.There are many different methods used to speed up these chemical reactions. Chemical reaction rate can be determined by taking into account the density of the material to be used in the reaction. If you create a concentrated solution using chemicals that are denser than the solution they are mixed into, then there will be more of the material in the solution to combine with the other chemicals in the process. Therefore, the reaction will take long er to begin.In addition to rapid chemical reactions, you may also want to consider instantaneous rate chemistry when you are shopping for a chemical. In this case, you will want to use the chemicals that will increase the speed at which you will be able to perform your chemical reactions. By doing so, you will be able to make chemicals that can be added into a chemical reaction quickly.At its most basic level, instant chemistry is the rate at which a chemical reacts. Therefore, it is possible to determine instant chemistry by taking into account the speed of the chemical reaction and by knowing the type of chemical to be used in the reaction.

Change in Energy Chemistry

Change in Energy ChemistryThe change in energy chemistry that is occurring today in the human body has led to the high popularity of alternative medicine and the rejuvenation of many people. Many are wondering what the impact of this change in chemical makeup will be. As the cells and molecules become more complex and the body becomes more technologically advanced, there is bound to be a change in the chemicals in the body.The most important part of the 'massaging' therapy is a transformation in the bio-diversity that is occurring. An organic cleaning system is used to remove harmful toxins from the bloodstream. Often times the enzymes present in the body will change as well. In the body, many things are happening as a result of this huge amount of changes.Water is very important for the life of the body. This is an essential part of the diet. Many people believe that too much of the wrong foods cause illnesses. However, this is not true.Cravings can actually be changed. The hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain can cause a change in feelings of hunger and thirst. When these chemicals are altered, many people often experience changes in their cravings.When the blood starts to be cleaner, toxins tend to become less soluble in water. As a result, the digestive system begins to work a little easier. The removal of toxic wastes and food residue makes the cells more efficient. Therefore, energy levels tend to increase. Many people are becoming healthier and more energetic at the same time.However, it is important to note that there are many long-term benefits of this technology. The improvements in the heart, digestion, immune system, energy, and weight are all very positive. This technology allows the cells to store energy more efficiently and helps to speed up the metabolism.The long term benefits of these chemical changes are too numerous to mention. These changes are going to be long lasting. This is good news for the general public.

How to Find a Chemistry Tutor Near Me

How to Find a Chemistry Tutor Near MeIf you're looking for a Chemistry tutor near me, then this is the time for you to search. However, in order to find a good one, you need to ensure that you're looking out for the right kind of tutor, and also to avoid the traps.A person who offers tutoring as a service can sometimes be less than reliable as a tutor. For instance, if they promise to provide tutoring on your schedule, but their tutor availability doesn't match up with your schedule, or if they don't offer much guidance after the tutor is done, then this might not be the best place to look for a tutor. Instead, you may want to look at online chemistry tutor services instead.Some things to keep in mind when searching for an online tutor include a clear description of the tutor's qualifications and past experiences. Try to read up on the Better Business Bureau website or check your local newspaper to see if there have been any complaints about any tutors in your area. Also make sure th at you know what you're looking for before you begin your search. If you're only looking for one-on-one tutoring, for example, you'll have to avoid tutors who don't offer this type of tutoring, as it's not enough to get one who takes or who may charge you more than the rest of the online tutors.You'll also want to make sure that you've got a detailed list of all the material that the tutor will cover. Check the reviews on their website, or talk to other tutors. It's often helpful to contact some of the online tutors who will agree to give a comparison of their experience to see which of them are worth signing up with. It's also a good idea to get a review from a trusted source like The Chemistry Society or Forbes.While you're at it, make sure that you look for a tutor who has been referred by someone else. Don't simply sign up with one random online tutor if you have no idea of who referred him or her. This way, you can at least trust their assessment and experience, and this should provide you with some guidance in choosing a good tutor for your class. Just make sure that the tutor is still a member of the Society for Neuroscience Education, as this will help you make a good assessment of the tutors' abilities.It's important to note that while hiring a tutor can help you learn faster, it's not enough to guarantee that you'll actually get good results. You can't expect a Tutor to solve all your problems for you, after all. Instead, try to get to know the teacher or instructor well enough to make an assessment about whether the tutor can help you or not.Overall, if you need to find a Chemistry tutor, then you should do a lot of your own research. This way, you can get a good tutor that you know will work well for you.