Friday, March 6, 2020

English Vocabulary Neologisms, or new words

English Vocabulary Neologisms, or new words Spoken English is constantly evolving. New words (also called neologisms) and expressions are constantly coined (developed) reflecting changes in society and the cultural needs and experiences of the people who speak it.Here are ten words in the English language that have emerged over the past ten years:JargonautSomeone who uses a lot of jargon, or vocabulary that is specific to a particular trade or job.MehThis is the response when something leaves you unimpressed or disinterested.Citizen JournalistThese are people, not trained as journalists, who write and upload news information on the web via their blogs.RecessionistaThis is a person who dresses stylishly while on a budget enforced by the economic recession.Unitasker This is someone who (or something that) can only do one task at a time. It is the opposite of multitasker.TweetingThis is what you are doing when you are posting a comment on the social networking site Twitter. NetiquetteThis is the code of behavior for activity on t he internet. It is a blend of network and etiquette.Flash MobThis is a crowd of people (or mob) that is convened to meet at a set time and place via internet. They are told to perform a certain activity when they get there and then disperse quickly afterwards.NonlinerThis refers to a person who does not use the internet.OversharingThis refers to the act of sharing too much information online such as credit card details, passwords etc.Here is a video showing a flash mob at work. Lets watch it and answer some questions based on it afterwards (warning, YouTube has put a LONG advertisement before the video):How would you describe what the flash mob is doing?How do you see the people around the flash mob reacting?Have you ever taken part in a flash mob event?   If not, would you consider it?Did you find this blog interesting? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

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